Early Intervention Blog
Developmental Milestones In Babies and Young Children – When Should A Child Meet Certain Milestones?
Each child follows an individualised path of development, which might involve concentrating on a single skill or developmental milestone, or even juggling multiple aspects simultaneously. What's crucial to recognise is that each child advances at their own rhythm....
Restricted And Repetitive Behaviours In Children With ASD: What Do These Look Like?
Restricted and repetitive behaviours (RRBs) are considered a common characteristic of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). RRBs can sometimes look like; focusing on specific interests, following rigid routines, repeating certain movements, and being fixated on specific...
How To Increase Early Communication Skills In Children
Developing early communication skills in children is an essential part of their overall development. From referencing others and using gestures to speaking, these milestones mark just a few of the numerous skills that children will learn as they grow. Communication...
Identifying the Differences between Speech Delay and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Speech delay and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may look similar in toddlers. Identifying the key differences can help with finding the most appropriate intervention to support your child. Research in this area has identified some of these differences, as well as the...
Understanding the Levels of Autism: What Are The Three Levels of Autism?
Levels of autism provide clinicians with a common language to describe the extent to which a child is impacted by their diagnosis. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is diagnosed using the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS). In Australia, this is typically...
EIBI – Your Guide to Early Intensive Behavioural Intervention
What Is EIBI? EIBI stands for Early Intensive Behavioural Intervention and is based on the principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). An EIBI program aims to increase a child’s ability to learn, which in turn leads to the development of skills. What Is EIBI?...
At Mosaic, we understand how difficult it can be to sift through all the information when first receiving a diagnosis or needing support.
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